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[发表时间]:2012-11-21 [浏览次数]:







郑世军,1964年8月生,美国麻省大学免疫学博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院博士后,2005年至今中国农业大学特聘教授。目前主要从事抗感染免疫的分子机理以及畜禽传染病免疫防制的研究。主要研究成果以第一或共同第一作者或通讯作者的文章发表于Nature Immunology、J Clinical Investigation、J Immunology、Diabetes、J Virology、Immunobiology、PLoS ONE、BBRC、Virology J、Poultry Science等重要国际刊物,发表SCI论文30篇,影响因子总数153,单篇论文引用最高次数296次,特约撰写的研究综述发表于美国Immunological Research期刊。主持科技部973课题、863课题、自然科学基金面上项目、国家杰出青年基金、禽流感防治国际合作项目、转基因动物专项等。主编或参编专业书籍13部,译著3部。中国农学会理事、中国畜牧兽医学会禽病学分会理事兼副秘书长、动物传染病学分会常务理事、中国免疫学会北京免疫学分会理事、第一届全国动物防疫专家委员会委员,中国兽医杂志副主编与中国禽病杂志编委、美国Open J Veterinary Medicine以及Frontier in Microbial Immunology学术期刊编委。


1. Li Z, Wang Y, Li X, Li XQ,Cao H, andZheng SJ*.Critical Roles ofGlucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipperin Infectious Bursal Disease Virus(IBDV)-induced Suppression of Type I Interferon Expression and Enhancement ofIBDV Growth in Host Cells via Interaction with VP4.Journal of Virology2013(Accepted)(Zheng SJ as corresponding author)

2. Li X, Li XQ,Cao H, Wang Y, andZheng SJ*. Engagement ofnew castledisease virus(NDV)matrix(M)protein with charged multivesicular body protein(CHMP)4 facilitates viral replication.Virus Research2013(Accepted)(Zheng SJ as corresponding author)

3. Luo Z, Li Z, Chen K, LiuR, Li X,CaoH, andZheng SJ*.Engagement of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Mwith Listeriolysin O Induces Type I Interferon Expression and RestrictsListeria MonocytogenesGrowth in Host Cells.Immunobiology2012, 217(10): 972-981(Zheng SJ as corresponding author)

4. Li Z, Wang Y, Xue Y, Li X,Cao H, andZheng SJ*.A critical role for voltage-dependent anion channel(VDAC)2 ininfectious bursal disease virus(IBDV)-induced apoptosis in host cells via interacting with VP5.Journal of Virology2012,86(3): 1328-1338,(Zheng SJas corresponding author)

5. Ruan Q, Kameswaran V, Zhang Y,Zheng S, Sun J, Wang J, Devirgiliis J, Liou HC, Beg AA,Chen YH. The Th17 immune response is controlled by the Rel-ROR{gamma}-ROR{gamma}T transcriptional axis.J Exp Med.2011Oct 24; 208(11):2321-33.

6. Li H, Wang Y, Ding L, andZheng SJ*Staphylococcus sciuriexfoliative toxin C(ExhC)is a necrosis-inducer for mammalian cells.PLoS ONE2011, 6(7): e23145:1-9.(Zheng SJas corresponding author)

7. Chen K,Luo Z,Tang J,Zheng SJ*.A critical role of heat shock cognate protein 70 in Apoptin-induced phosphorylation of Akt.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2011Jun 3; 409(2):200-4.(Zheng SJas corresponding author)

8. Chen K,Luo Z,Zheng SJ*.Gallus Heat shock cognate protein 70, a novel binding partner of Apoptin.Virol J.2011Jun 27; 8: 324..(Zheng SJas corresponding author)

9. Wang Y, Lu Y, Duo Y, Wang Y,Chen F,Yang H,Zheng SJ*.Enhanced resistance of restraint stressed mice to sepsis.Journal of Immunology 2008, 181:3441-3448 (Zheng SJ as corresponding author)

10. Chen S, Wang Y, Chen F, Yang H, Menghou Gan andZheng SJ*. A highly pathogenic strain ofStaphylococcus sciuricaused fatal exudative epidermitis in piglets.PLoS ONE2007,2(1)e147: 1-6.(Zheng SJas corresponding author)

11. Anja Hilliard,Hilliard B,Zheng SJ,Sun H, Takashi M, Song Wand Chen YH. Translational regulation of autoimmune inflammation and lymphoma by programmed cell death 4.Journal of Immunology2006,177(11):8095-8102.

12. Zheng SJ,L-Cherradi S, Wang P, Xu LY and Chen YH. Tumor suppressor p53 inhibits autoimmune inflammation and macrophage function.Diabetes2005,54: 1423-1428.

13. Zheng SJ, Jiang J., Shen H., and Chen YH. Reduced apoptosis and listeriosis in TRAIL-null mice.Journal of Immunology2004, 173: 5652-5658.

14. Zheng SJ, Wang P., Tsabary G. and Chen YH. Critical role of TRAIL in hepatic cell death and hepatic inflammation.Journal of Clinical Investigation2004,113(1): 58-64.

15. L-Cherridi S*, Zheng SJ*(*Co-first author), Maguaschak KA,Peschon J and Chen YH. Defective thymocyte apoptosis and accelerated autoimmunune diseases in TRAIL-Null mice.Nature Immunology2003,4(3): 255-260

*Note: The first two authors contributed equally to this study.

16. L-Cherradi S,Zheng SJ,Tisch RMand Chen YH. Critical role of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand in type I diabetes.Diabetes2003, 52: 2274-2278

17. Zheng SJand Chen YH. TRAIL, Bim and thymic negative selection.Immunological Research2003, 28/3: 293-299

18. L-Cherradi S,Zheng SJ, Hilliard BA, Xu L, Sun J, Alsheadat S,Liou HC and Chen YH. Transcriptional regulation of type I diabetes by nuclear factor-KB.Journal of Immunology2003, 171: 4886-4892
