董虹(1978-),女,教授,农学博士,硕士/博士生导师,兽医学(中医药)北京市重点实验室主任,中国科协十大代表,北京市科技新星,家畜产业技术体系北京市创新团队生猪疾病防治与应急服务岗位专家,澳门十大娱乐网站官网中兽医学方向首席,“防控动物疾病中兽药研发及机制研究”基础科研团队带头人。2001年西南大学(原四川畜牧兽医学院)动物医学院本科毕业,2008年中国农业大学动物医学院博士毕业,2016年美国哈佛医学院访学1年。目前兼任第七届中国兽药典专家委员会委员、兽药评审咨询专家库专家、国际替抗论坛学术委员、亚洲传统兽医学会常务理事、世界中医药联合会芳香健康产业分会副秘书长兼专家指导小组副组长、中国畜牧兽医学会中兽医分会理事、北京畜牧兽医学会常务理事兼副秘书长、北京畜牧兽医学会小动物分会理事。主要从事畜禽疾病诊断、中药防控机制及健康养殖相关工作。研究工作涉及细菌如何逃逸被机体杀灭机制及减抗替抗兽用中药研发等方面,通过研究建立畜禽疾病防控的中药及饲料添加剂筛选平台,达到绿色无抗健康养殖,以确保从源头保障动物源性食品安全。相继主持并完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、北京市科技新星项目、北京市自然科学基金、北京市教委科技面上项目、北京市农委农业科技项目和北京市科协面上等项目;参与国家十一五科技支撑计划、十二五科技支撑计划、973等多个项目。成果获北京市农业技术推广奖二等奖1项,大北农科技一等奖1项;发表文章88篇,其中SCI 25篇;副主编书籍3部,参与编著书籍4部,其中英文2部;授权国家发明专利10项。
1. Feike Yu , Xiaohan Yu, Rongchen Liu , Dawei Guo, Qian Deng, Bingbing Liang, Xiaoye Liu and Hong Dong*. Dregs of Cardamine hupingshanensis as a feed additive improve egg quality. Front. Nutr. 2022, doi: 10.3389/ fnut. 2022.915865. IF:6.590
2. Shangwen He, Qian Deng , Bingbing Liang , Feike Yu , Xiaohan Yu , Dawei Guo, Xiaoye Liu , Hong Dong*, Suppressing Alpha-Hemolysin as Potential Target to Screen of Flavonoids to Combat Bacterial Coinfection. Molecules, 2021, 26, 7577. IF:4.411
3. Xiaoye Liu, Hui Zhang, Shangwen He, Xiang Mu, Ge Hu, Hong Dong*. Endothelial-Derived Interleukin-1a Activates Innate Immunity by Promoting the Bactericidal Activity of Transendothelial Neutrophils. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2020, 8:590. IF:6.684
4. Xiaoye Liu, Shangwen He, Qiuyue Li, XiangMu, Ge Hu, Hong Dong*. Comparison of the Gut Microbiota Between Pulsatilla Decoction and Levofloxacin Hydrochloride Therapy on Escherichia coli Infection. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 2020, 10:319. IF:5.293
5. Xiangwan Sun, Ying Gao, Xin Wang, Ge Hu, Yun Wang, Bo Feng, Yanxin Hu, Xiang Mu,Ying Zhang, Hong Dong*. Escherichia coli O101‑induced diarrhea develops gut microbial dysbiosis in rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2018, 6997:824-834. IF:2.447
6. Ge Hu, Dong Hong*, Tao Zhang, Huiqin Duan, Panying Wei, Xinxin Guo, Xiang Mu. Cynatratoside-C from Cynanchum atratum displays anti-inflammatory effect via suppressing TLR4 mediated NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways in LPS induced mastitis in mice. ChemicoBiological Interactions, 2018, 279: 187-195. IF:5.192
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9. Feng Bo, Zhang Qian, Wang Xin, Sun Xiangwan, Mu Xiang, Dong Hong*. Effect of Andrographolide on Gene Expression Profile and Intracellular Calcium in Primary Rat Myocardium Microvascular Endothelial Cells. Journal Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 2017, 70(6):369-381. IF:3.105
10. Xiaoye Liu, Hong Dong*, Mingming Wang, Ying Gao, Tao Zhang, Ge Hu, Huiqing Duan, Xiang Mu. IL-1a-induced microvascular endothelial cells promote neutrophil killing by increasing MMP-9 concentration and lysozyme activity. Immunologic Research, 2016, 64(1):133-142. IF:2.829